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Tuesday 14 August 2012

香橙草莓果酱玛芬/ Orange Zest Strawberry Jam Muffin

 玛芬/Muffin其实是西式松糕, 是个低脂少蛋制作的点心, 比起蛋糕就没那么油腻,也比较健康。虽然口感比起蛋糕差了一截, 但是在吃的健康的大前提下, 偶尔就玛芬一下吧!

材料/Ingredients( 9 ~10杯/Cup):
蛋/Egg -1 颗/No.
牛奶/milk  - 125~140ml(1/2杯/cup)- 调整混合物的浓稠度/to adjust the batter consistency.
油/Oil - 60ml (1/4杯/cup)
 盐/salt  - 1/2茶匙/Tspn 
凡尼拉香精/vanilla - 5ml (1茶匙/tspn)
面粉/ flour - 180g(11/2杯/Cup) 
发粉/baking powder  - 2+1/2 茶匙/tspn
糖/sugar - 60ml(1/4杯/Cup) 
草莓果酱/Strawberry Jam 60g 
橙皮屑/Orange Zest - 1汤匙/tablespoon(随意/optional)

馅料/Filling: 草莓果酱/Strawberry Jam

1。 先打发蛋及糖至发白,加入牛奶,油,凡尼拉香精酒拌匀,加入60g的草莓果酱及橙皮屑,充分拌匀。
 Beat egg with sugar until foamy and white; then add in milk, oil and vanilla. Lastly stirring in 60g strawberry Jam and orange zest until just combined.
2 。拌入干粉类, 轻轻搅拌。(注意不可过度搅拌, 面粉出筋的话, 玛芬会变硬)
Stir in dry ingredients. (Avoid over mixing)

3 。舀1大满匙的混合料进玛芬杯内,加1茶匙的草莓果酱在混合料中间,再在用半大匙的混合料盖起草莓酱。
 Spoon a heaped tablespoonful of muffin mixture into a lined muffin cup, put a teaspoonful of strawberry jam in the middle of the batter, top with half a spoonful of batter on the jam.

4。 用预热180度C的烤箱烤20~25分钟 
Bake at180degree C for 20~25 minutes. 


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