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Sunday 12 August 2012

香肠面包(汤种法)/Sausage Bun (Water Roux method)

今天做了自从大儿子出国念书后,很久都没做香肠面包及辫子奶酪面包。前几天,回国度假已经快3个月的他提起说: 『很久没有吃到妈咪做到奶酪面包了!』 邱妈咪才从记忆的箱子里, 翻出了这快2年多没有动到的食谱。。。

应为孩子有敏感体质,所以邱妈咪经常选用汤种发面法来发面包,汤种发的面包体会比较软, 就算没有加入任何添加剂如面包改良剂及柔软剂,面包就算放隔天还是一样柔软。

A: 汤种做法 :1.  在小锅子内,用125g 的水泡开25g 高筋面粉,然后在炉子上用小火, 不断搅拌面粉水,直到面粉水糊化为止, 不必煮沸,温度差不多达70度C面粉水就已经充分糊化了。熄火, 盖起放凉至40度C就可以使用。
2.  也可以用微波炉, 先用大火微波30秒,取出来搅拌一番后, 再重复微波30秒, 再取出搅拌,确定全部糊化了,就可以盖起(一定要盖起避免结硬皮), 待用。 

The bread produced is softer and last longer without any additives by using this water roux method.

A:  Water roux : Mix 125g water with 25g high protein flour    
1.  Stir over low heat until starchy mixture is formed. Do not bring to boil. Just need to reach about 70 degree C. 
2.  Or microwave at high for 30 seconds, take out and stir, then microwave again at high for another 30 seconds, take out and stir again until the mixture is blended nicely.
3.  Keep covered (or you will get a harden surface due to drying in open air) and leave to cool to room temperature before use. Water roux can be made in a large batch and keep in the fridge for 1 week usage.  I normally make one portion only in the morning and use by noon.

B. 面团材料/ Dough (16 breads)
150g - 汤种/ 150g WaterRoux
470g  高筋面粉/470g High protein flour
50g - 温水/warm water
60~80g  糖/60~80g sugar
2 颗蛋 /2 eggs (Keep half the egg yolk, to be add with 1 tablespoon water for glazing)
( 留下半颗蛋黄, 加上1汤匙水制成蛋液涂面包用)
60g 奶油或面包油 /60g butter or margarine
3 汤匙牛奶粉/3 Tablespoon milk powder
2½  茶匙即溶 酵母/ 2½ teaspoon instant yeast
½ 茶匙盐 /½ teaspoon salt

C.馅料及香料:Filling & Garnishing ingredients: 
香肠,(MOZZARElLA CHEESE)  奶酪碎,意大利混合香料,蕃茄酱,
Sausages, Grated cheese, Spaghetti mixed herbs & Tomato Ketchup

面团做法/Dough Making Method
 1. 先在搅拌盆内用温水泡开半茶匙的糖及面粉,加入2½ 酵母,激活酵母菌。放置15分钟至产生丰富的泡沫。
  接着把晾凉了的汤种, 蛋,盐及糖加入搅拌盆内地酵母液里搅拌均匀后, 再加入软化的奶油或面包油拌一拌,最后加入全部的干材料搓揉2分钟左右至均匀成面团后,滚圆,盖起,让它在30度C的状况下发酵90~120分钟。
1.  First of all, activate the yeast in a mixing bowl using 50g warm water plus half a teaspoon of sugar and flour. Wait for 15 minutes for a foamy mixture. (This step is to ensure the activeness of the yeast to avoid failure) Then mix in the cooled water roux (40 degree C), eggs, butter, salt and sugar until combined, follow by adding in all other dry ingredient and knead for 2 minutes to form a dough ball. Keep the dough ball covered and let to prove for 90 ~ 120minutes under temperature of 30 degree C.

2.  把已经发酵了一回的面团, 用些手粉, 搓揉至可以扩展成薄膜的阶段(用手搓揉大约需要20分钟左右), 一般上,搓揉起筋的面团是会发亮不黏手的。但这汤种面团因为用了面糊的关系, 会有一点黏手。 把双手涂油, 就能解决黏手的问题啦!
2.  Knead the dough again until you get a  film thin texture when you pull and stretch the dough.  Normally,A well kneaded dough looks shiny and non sticky。 But this dough using water roux is a little bit sticky, oil your hands to prevent  sticking problems.

3.把面团滚圆, 盖起休面10分钟。
Round up, covered and rest  for 10 minutes.
4.把休面后的面团分成60g的小团, 滚圆后再休面10分钟。
After 10 minutes,  start dividing the dough into 60g each portion. Rounded up and rest for 10 minutes before start making the bread.
Begin with the 1st rounded dough until finished.

5.  先从第一个滚圆的面团做起, 把一根香肠放在压扁的面团中间,(如果不想孩子们吃太多的香肠, 就把香肠先剖开两边才使用)。
 Roll the dough, place a sausage in the middle, half the sausage by length if you want your children having less sausage.

6.  把香肠包起,接着包余下的面团及香肠。
 Wrap up the sausage, continue this procedure until all dough is used up.

7. 用把利剪,剪面团及香肠。 要确定香肠被剪断, 但却别剪断面团,然后把面团及香肠左右打开排列, 再排进涂搽了黄油的烤盘内, 进行最后发酵90分钟, 或至面包胀至双倍大。
 Cut and arrange the bread, then arrange in a greased pan to proof for 90 minutes or dough rise to double its size.

8. 用软刷子涂搽蛋液。
Glaze the bread with yolk mixture.

9.  撒些意大利综合香料。
 Sprinkle some Italian or spaghetti mixed herbs.

10.  挤上一些蕃茄酱。
Squeeze on some tomato ketchup or Chili sauce.

11. 再铺上一些奶酪碎。也可以撒些玉米,青豆及萝卜粒的混合蔬菜。不喜欢奶酪的可以不放奶酪。
Arrange some grated cheese. Mixed vegetable can be added if you like. Or you can go without the cheese.

12. 用喷雾器撒喷些水在面包上, 才马上放入已经预热180度C的烤箱内烤12~15分钟。
Pre heat the oven to 180 degree C, spray some water on the breads before start to bake for 12 minutes or until the bread is nicely browned.

1.   在开始制作面包前, 要先用糖粉水测试酵母菌是否还活跃后, 才不会浪费材料及时间。

2.  喜欢吃热面包, 隔天用个喷雾器朝面包喷几下, 放进预热180度C的小烤箱烤个3~5分钟即可。 如果怕烤焦, 可以用张铝箔纸把面包掩盖起才进烤箱就行了。

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