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Thursday 31 May 2012

不锈钢草药粉碎机/Stainless Steel Herb Grinder or Pulverizing Machine

为了孩子及家人的健康, 特别是为了制作黑面将军茶包(点击链接阅读能有效的治疗暗疮的黑面将军茶光华日报刊载),邱妈咪刚从AliExpress.com网站的销售商之一: ZHEJIANG GAOYI INDUSTRIAL LTD 的链接网址 http://www.aliexpress.com/fm-store/200622网购了一台粉碎机,机器的粉碎刀及磨研杯的材质是不锈钢的, 消除了邱妈咪对塑胶材质的粉碎机塑化剂妨害健康的疑虑。

Mommy Khoo has recently bought a 1000g herbs grinder/pulverizing machine from AliExpress.com supplier ZHEJIANG GAOYI INDUSTRIAL LTD at this link address http://www.aliexpress.com/fm-store/200622. This Stainless Steel grinder eliminates my worries about the plastic housing grinder mill's plasticizer compounds which may contaminate the food and be harmful to health. The main intention of buying this machine is to make herbal tea bags for my family, especially Hei Mian Jiang Jun teabags for curing my sons' acne problem.

这次的网购体验: 这家网上公司的服务周到, 交货快,商品的品质也很好, 商品规格及功能跟网上所说明的一模一样,值得推荐。

Shopping Experience : For this purchase,overall Mommy Khoo is very pleased with the excellent service provided by this company.  The specifications of the grinder and its performance are also as described in the internet. This seller is highly recommended.

除了粉碎茶叶, 邱妈咪还用它来磨香料。 一直以来家里用的香料都是用塑料杯的磨研机来磨研的, 所以当年爆发塑化剂的风波时, 邱Daddy看到我用塑料杯的磨研机时,就满忧心重重的,怕影响到家人的健康。

Apart from grinding herbal tea leaves, I like to grind my own herbs for cooking, but ever since the fatal food contamination incidents caused by Melamine were reported, my husband has been very worry to see me grinding food stuff using plastic housing grinder. Hence here comes this stainless steel grinder into my kitchen's picture.

所以时机一到,就马上网购了这一台1000g的粉碎机。 这机器用来粉碎草药是很适合的,因为钢杯够大,(草药体量大,重量小)。 但是如果要粉碎少量的食物或香料, 这台1000g的就变得太大台了,于是邱妈咪又向同一家公司网购了一台100g的粉碎机, 现等待货物送来。

 This1000g machine is suitable for big volume of herbal leaves, but it's way too big for grinding small quantity of  food stuff or herbs. For this reason,I have decided to purchase a 100g herb grinder from the same seller considering their efficiency to accomplish the selling task. Just can't wait to receiving it. The shipment is on its way.

红麴米粉/Red Yeast Rice Powder
把红麴米打成粉(来当烹制肉类时的天然染色料), 只需75秒。
 You need only 75 seconds to grind the red yeast rice into red yeast flour which widely used as food coloring in cooking meat or poultry produce.

综合香料粉/Mixed Herbs Powder
把孜然,芫茜子,小茴香等香料打成综合香料粉。 方法是先打90秒, 再把已经粉碎的香料过筛,收起细粉, 再把筛子里较粗的香料重放入粉碎机内, 再搅打90秒。现磨现用,香味无可媲美。
To grind mixed herbs of Fennel, cumin and coriander seed into fine powder, you need to perform the grinding process of the herbs in 2 to 3 rounds. Sieve the mixture after every 90 seconds of grinding, keep the fine flour and grind the coarse residue in the sieve for second round or third round, depends on the quantity of your herbs and the finest of your requirement.

250g的糙米 + 250g的白米打75秒
要把白米打成粉, 也是需75秒而已.
 It can grind rice grain into flour easily in just 75 seconds and I feel this machine is also capable of grinding cornmeal (yet to be tried)

LINK: 黑面将军草药茶包的制作(Homemade Herbal Tea Bag for Curing Acne)

The stems 0f 8mm to 1cm in diameter and leaves are ground into coarse powder in 90 seconds

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